Saturday 18th

Saturday 18th we went to the complexes like Villa Club, Isla Sol, Lago Sol, Entre lagos, we met the security guards and in one of them we even had the chance to met the gardeners and pool guy… it was nice, we had a problem that day because we did 49 sandwiches and they were 58 so we went back to my house to do the rest of the sandwiches and went back to the complexes… We knew a guy that her wife has pancreas cancer and is helped by the volunteers of ASVOHL, he has two jobs to take care of her wife and to buy the really expensive medicines.

today it was tired, a lot of sun, a lot of traffic but it was nice when you see the guards having fun at least for while but it makes you feel good about it and makes you forget about those stupid things that maybe make you mad like the sun etc.

Cognitive Surplus

What is my personal reflection about this video?

that we receive a lot, we do nothing to give back to society what we have received... its ironic the more we receive the less we give back, It makes you realize how poor we are and how lazy we preffer to be doing nothing than thinking or helping the world or enviroment

Has it challenge me to think in my activities and how I spend my free time?

Of course, before this video I spend a lot of time playing on the internet even with my phone but now that I get the message of the video, I try to leave it. I have to admit that it’s a big change for me because I’m used to text every time but now I feel that I have more time and with this time I’m starting to visit other sites like PETA or WWF who are actives sites were the people can sign for a cause to save animals because the animals are my passion and I forgotten that for be on Facebook.

Am i primarily a consumer or do i produce and share as much or more than i consume? Does it help me appreciate the social action you im doing for this class?

I think that I am a consumer now but I want to change myself and not just for the class, I always wanted to contribute before but I never took the initiative and the class force me to do that and now I think that it’s great I’m totally grateful.

Labor Social Saturday 11th

On Saturday july 11th I began my social action, that was to spend a Little time at least with some of the security guards of some Samborondon´s complexes, we did it for 3 hours and a half, and visited 5 complexes

This idea came when I spoke to one security guard in Bosques De Castilla and told me that it was an ugly job because they have to deal every day 12 straight hours with people that treat them bad and stuff, also they don’t eat in theyre work places they have to eat when they get back home at night…They are so nice, so funny when we where exchanging experiences they were making fun of each other, you have no idea how greatfull they were, how helpful and also how nice, people never notice it because they work walking inside the complexes or you see them for a sec when they open the doors of the entry.

De Todas

Today Tuesday May 5th I went to visit coperativa de Crédito De Todas, I met a lady her name is Maria Osorio Chimbote, she owns a restaurant were she sells Executive Lunchs, she is a part of this coperativa for 2 years, she is very proud because she feels good about herself and also because she gained respect from her beloved ones.

I asked her what is the biggest achievement that Coperativa de todas gave to her or helped her to get?
She told me Respect, because woman in Ecuador aren´t respected at all, she cried during this question because she is the only one at home that takes care of her two children... her husband left a year ago with a girl he met at a bar.

I really and strongly believe that we have the power to change our society, to show men and the entire wolrd we can gain the respect and do exactly what they do...