De Todas

Today Tuesday May 5th I went to visit coperativa de Crédito De Todas, I met a lady her name is Maria Osorio Chimbote, she owns a restaurant were she sells Executive Lunchs, she is a part of this coperativa for 2 years, she is very proud because she feels good about herself and also because she gained respect from her beloved ones.

I asked her what is the biggest achievement that Coperativa de todas gave to her or helped her to get?
She told me Respect, because woman in Ecuador aren´t respected at all, she cried during this question because she is the only one at home that takes care of her two children... her husband left a year ago with a girl he met at a bar.

I really and strongly believe that we have the power to change our society, to show men and the entire wolrd we can gain the respect and do exactly what they do...

3 comentarios:

  1. Mayra - What makes you think that we have the power to change our society?

  2. mayra! how does this project promote mutualism for you?

  3. How do you feel knowing the experience of maria?
    How was your experience in the cooperativa?
